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Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.gothic-industrial
Subject: Agonoize - Reborn In Darkness - The Bloody Years 2003-2014 (2014).nfo (1/1)
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Agonoize - Reborn In Darkness - The Bloody Years 2003-2014 (2014).nfo
Artist: Agonoize
Album: Reborn In Darkness - The Bloody Years 2003-2014
Format: mp3
Quality: VBR
CD 1
1. Bis das Blut gefriert
2. Staatsfeind
3. Schaufensterpuppenarsch
5. Blut Sex Tod
6. Deutsch
7. Open the gate
8. Sacrifice
9. Chains of Love
10. Koprolalie
11. Death, Murder, Kill (upgraded)
12. Gottlos
13. Glaubenskrieger
14. Femme Fatale
15. Wahre Liebe
16. Paranoid Destruction
CD 2
1. The Holy Flame (Say Just Words Remix)
2. Bis das Blut gefriert (Die Braut Remix)
3. Open The Gate (A.D.N. Remix)
4. Sacrifice (Chinese Theatre Hard Remix 2)
6. Bis das Blut gefriert (Reaxion Guerrila Remix)
7. God For Sale (X-RX Remix)
8. Schaufensterpuppenarsch (Electro Killer Doll Remix by Die Braut)
9. Femme Fatale (Painbastard Remix)
10. Paranoid Destruction (S.I.T.D. Remix)
11. A Cut Inside My Soul (EzionogA Remix)
CD 3 Rare Stuff
1. I Am (Version)
2. Objectum Sexuality (Hard)
3. Staatsfeind (Feindstaat)
4. Running (Club)
5. Open The Gate (Version)
6. Paranoid Destruction (Version)
7. Strange Obsession
8. Rituale Romanum (Version)
9. Open The Gate (Club)
10. Sexual Violation (Dark Edit)
CD 4 Unreleased
1. Hate (Early Studio Demo)
2. Manic Depression (Instrumental)
3. Untitled
4. PSI.CORP - Love Kills