From: (NoRegret)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.complete_cd
Subject: [143743]-[#altbin@EFNet]-[ Sevendust-Black_Out_The_Sun-2013-iTS ]-[03/24] "00-sevendust-black_out_the_sun-2013.nfo" (1/1)
X-Newsposter: YENC-POWER-POST-A&A-v11b (Modified POWER-POST
Message-ID: <part1of1.gKVNV6PdQ277ZUYBkLAU@Ble99xQaP336Ja2p8HNjk22.local>
Lines: 141
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 01:51:09 UTC
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 01:51:09 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 18570
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Xref: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.complete_cd:12399
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::: :. .: :::
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:::.::: :::.:::
::: ::: ARTiST ...: Sevendust ::: :::
:: ::: TiTLE ....: Black Out the Sun ::: ::
: ::: ............................................................. ::: :
' ::: ::: `
::: LABEL ....: Asylum :::
::: GENRE ....: Hard Rock :::
::: RDATE ....: 2013-03-23 :::
::: :::
::: ............................................................. :::
::: :::
::: QUALiTY ..: 279kbps/4410kHz :::
::: MODE .....: Joint Stereo :::
. ::: ::: .
. ::: ............................................................. ::: .
` ::: ::: '
`.::: SiZE .....: 89,35 MB :::.'
`:: PLAYTiME .: 44:23 min ::'
`. .'
URL ......:
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::: .::' `::. .::' `::. :::
::: (::: ':. `::. -+-[ TRACKS & NOTES! ]-+- .::' .:` :::) :::
::: ``::.. ' ::: ::: ` ..::'' :::
::: : :: :: : :::
::: . .' `. . :::
:::.:. . . .:.:::
:::.:::.. . - - . ..:::.:::
::: ::: ::: :::
:: ::: ::: ::
: ::: ::: :
::: 01. Memory 1:24 :::
::: 02. Faithless 4:10 :::
::: 03. Till Death 3:06 :::
::: 04. Mountain 3:08 :::
::: 05. Cold as War 4:03 :::
::: 06. Black Out the Sun 3:27 :::
::: 07. Nobody Wants It 3:10 :::
::: 08. Dead Roses 3:01 :::
::: 09. Decay 3:25 :::
::: 10. Dark AM 3:28 :::
::: 11. Picture Perfect 3:47 :::
::: 12. Got a Feeling 4:32 :::
::: 13. Murder Bar 3:42 :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: ............................................................. :::
::: :::
::: Sevendust never hold anything back. :::
::: :::
::: However, on their ninth studio album, Black Out the Sun, :::
::: they go harder than ever before. In some ways, it's like :::
::: they've transmuted the ferocity of their classic self-titled :::
::: debut, Home, and Animosity into the sharp, succinct :::
::: songwriting sensibility of Cold Day Memory. Be prepared to :::
::: down a Molotov cocktail of razor sharp riffs, pounding :::
::: rhythms, and soulful hooks. :::
::: :::
::: "Faithless" teeters between a bludgeoning groove and almost :::
::: bluesy verses from vocalist Lajon Witherspoon before :::
::: everything spirals out into a maddeningly heavy hook. :::
::: Meanwhile, the guttural growls on "Till Death" make for one :::
::: of the group's heaviest salvos ever. Morgan Rose's drumming :::
::: pummels perfectly as the dual guitar assault of Clint Lowery :::
::: and John Connolly volleys from vibrant to vicious on "The :::
::: Mountain". Throughout Vinnie Hornsby bolts down a volatile :::
::: bass groove that fortifies the heaviness. "Cold As War" :::
::: rises from the wah-ed out effects Lowery and Connolly remain :::
::: masters at into a soothing refrain. Then, there's the epic :::
::: title track, which segues from clean strumming to a glorious :::
::: elegaic hook. :::
::: :::
::: The beatdown subsides during the shimmering acoustic "Got a :::
::: Feeling". It's one of the group's most poignant and poetic :::
::: ruminations. However, everything gets amped back up again on :::
::: the final one-two punch of "Murder Bar". :::
::: :::
::: Sevendust have made a landmark record in a career of :::
::: landmark records, but they've still got even more to give. :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: :::
::: . .. . . .. . :::
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