2015-11-27 The blind flight (the after-thanksgiving special).txt
The Blind Flight for November 27, 2015
cinchel - A House Once Lived That Never Was
its finally warm again, but sometimes it still snows
tulip bulbs breaking ground in the garden outside
porch swings
sunlight, windows, sleeping cats
rain floods, harsh sounds
summer solstice picnic in the field out back
cat bats at the curtain as it billows in the breeze
filling up the wading pool, playing outside all day
camping out in the backyard
just sitting on the porch
saying goodbye from the driveway as the school bus comes
drinking the last of the sun-tea and watching the leaves begin to change
first apple pie from the oven and the kitchen smells wonderful again
all the rooms are quiet
cat asleep on the windowsill
sitting in the rocking chair reading a good book
preparing for guests we dust off the mantle and make room for the fold out bed
after the big meal we sit around and remember
hiding Christmas gifts under the stairs and in the closets
falling asleep in the big blanket, waking up with snow falling outside the bedroom window
drinking tea on the couch, staving off a fever
that sound the radiators make
the tea kettle whistles while we watch the last embers in the fireplace
the windows barely keep out the cold, sealed against the wind and the ice
we had to move out but hopefully the next owners treated it nicely
Paul Avgerinos - Bliss - Flowering Of Grace
Peter Kater - The Fool and the Hummingbird - Procession of Clouds
Kathryn Kaye - Dreaming Still - Waiting for the Rain
Escape Philosophy - A Towering Achievement of Indescribable Beauty - Where Abundance Lies
Leigh Ann Phillips - Dawn Mountain - Moon Willow
Claire Fitch - Ambiencellist Part II - Full Cycle
Michael Dulin - The One I Waited For - By the Fire
Marcel Pequel - The 12 Months - November
Tom Powell - Dissolve - November
Josh Johnston - The Shape of Things - A Light in the Dark of Night
Tom Caufield - Nature and the Constant Illusion - Frost on an Empty Field
Tom Caufield - Tales from the Winde dark sea - The Ways We Miss Our Lives Is Life
Evan Wish - Forget-Me-Not, Blue - Angels Are Near
Marc Enfroy - Dreams of the Forest - Pines in the Mist
Paul Adams - Flute Meditations For Dreaming Clouds - Stillness of the Day
Robert Linton - Throughout the Autumn Light - Moments of Reverie
Robert Rich - Open Window - Parting Clouds