In article <gCE8v.395476$M93.237597@fx18.iad>, Woody says...
>> Uh, what are you talking about? One service does not replace the other
>> and with a little common sense it's easy to see that usenet won't fit
>> into 20 gigs. As for providing the same benefits that's not true
>> either. Apparently, you don't know what clouds are used for. It seems
>> you don't know what usenet should be used for either.
>what a dimwit using storage space to advertise other stoage space that is not as
>reliable as the one your billboarding on and usenet is much much much much
>larger than 20gbs you little pissant guess you don't know anything about usenet.
>and then when the feds invade your the little cloud your floating on like they
>did megaupload well then you fall back to earth again i guess
Child Woody, you've misunderstood - and you so rarely do that......:-)
Windowpane is talking about "storage space" : not "stoage space" (whatever that