On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 07:51:05 -0500, Chev <Chev@home.com> wrote:
>Bo Dacious <BoD@cio.us> wrote in
>> Chiming in - really like seeing some Hag in lossless - but got a few
>> that come out corrupt, missing headers. Always thankful for anything
>> getting shared but thought I'd mention it.
>Bo Dacious,
>I posted a couple of NZB files that will give you complete copies of The
>Studio Recordings" and "Live From Austin, TX".
>The remainder of the files with errors can be replaced by doing a search
>on nzbking.com (many are over 2000 days old, so nzbindex and binsearch
>don't seem to find them).
>I downloaded the files from my posted nzbs and they all seem fine.
Thank Chev
I'll be able to put a few together.