(RP) BuckOwensCollection-Disc1Scans.txt
My news provider is Giganews and all files and pars are available; your news
provider may be missing something but I'll try to help. The tray scans for disc 1
was included in an RAR file; so if you d/l that file you should have all the scans
for that disc. I'm going to post an nzb file for just the disc 1 scans; just drop
it on your newsreader and it should d/l the requested files.
I made the nzb using binsearch.info If you don't know about binsearch.info
then you should try it. Just open your browser of choice; type or paste in
binsearch.info and then type in the artist/album you want into the search window.
Check the appropriate boxes and have binsearch make you an nzb file to plug into
your newsreader. Good luck.