They are on the way up.
On Tue, 03 Jan 2017 17:17:11 +0100, Water musician <kenw@nauk.invalid>
>Dear MusicPoster or anyone else who can help
>I finally finished unpacking / converting and sorting the wonderful Rilling
>Bach cantata set. Lots of wonderful music to enjoy.
>unpack. I tried both Giganews and Astraweb and NZB searches, but the relevant
>bits seem to be lost in cyberspace. (I think they are BWV 176-178 and
>brings to his SDG set, they are much more than historical. As a chorister
>they are easy to follow for learning / rehearsal purposes, as well as for
>pure enjoyment. Not to mention a great collection of both vocal and
>instrumental soloists (chiefly the late, great Arleen Auger).
>So thanks much, MusicPoster for all your efforts. And if you or someone can
>oblige with the missing items, I would be grateful.