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Subject: Craciun Fericit_Jack Campbell's_Paul Sinclair series_"01 - A Just Determination.txt"_"02" of "60 (1/1)
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01 - A Just Determination.txt
Campbell, Jack - JAG in Space (Paul Sinclair) 01 - A Just Determination
Written as John G. Hemry, Narrated by Nick Sullivan, Jack Campbell, Unabridged, 10 hrs and 44 mins, 161 MP3 tracks, 96 kbps
Equipped with the latest weaponry, and carrying more than 200 sailors, the orbiting warship USS Michaelson is armored against the hazards of space and the threats posed in the vast nothing between planets. But who will protect her from the threats within?
Ensign Paul Sinclair is assigned to the Michaelson as the ship's lone legal officer, a designation that carries grave consequences when the ship's captain, Pete Wakeman, is ordered to return to port for court-martial. His crime: ordering the destruction of a civilian research vessel. What happens when a man of power breaks a law that reaches across the universe? The answer is for Sinclair to expose or to conceal, actions that could destroy the futures of both men.
Thanks goes to QuickB3nn for sharing this
JAG in Space (Paul Sinclair)
1. A Just Determination (2003)
2. Burden of Proof (2004)
3. Rule of Evidence (2005)
4. Against All Enemies (2005)