Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sleazemovies
Subject: 5 The Hrd Way-Side Hckrs - 1969
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For those of you who were not born pre-1970 a Side Hack(er) was a form
of motorcyle racing that was popular for about 12 years. Originally
it involved actual side cars, (the 'hack'), where the rider would move
around the side car to better distribute weight for turns and
ultimately the side car was minimized to nothing more than a small
seat. With the advent of the Japanese bikes in the mid 1970s,
especially with the Kawasaki 900 where speeds of 160 mph became common
place, the side hack game lost all prominance as anything more than a
sub race feature.
Terrible movie btw. I had originally considered posting Little Fauss
and Big Halsy simply because it was the only side hack biker film I
had but then I recalled this piece of shit. Eseentially all you need
to know about Fauss and Halsy is that it stars Michael J. Pollard of
Bonnie and Clyde fame and some unknown who I don't think worked again,
some guy named Robert Redford. It is essentially a build up to show
that the hard working good guy triumphs over the lazy neer do well
good looking guy. Final scene is Redford having crashed out at Sears
Point listening to the announcer speak to how Fauss is a sensation and
going to win.