Judgement Day (1978).txt
Judgement Day (1978)
Country: United States
Duration: 1 hour 19 minutes
Directed by: Jon Cutaia
Morning Star in the role of Angel Face (angelic face) (without sex)
Moira Benson as Mona Barton
Josie Farmer in the role of Sissy Prewitt
Mimi Riley in the role of Jane Gilmor
Clair James in the role of Laura Shmutz
Melba Peach as Betty Cannoli
Val Anderson in the role of Kitty Scagg
Lottie Daah & Madeline Mutzah in the role of angels (no sex)
P.J. Wingham as St. Peter (St. Peter) (no sex)
John Leslie as a William Gilmore
Turk Layan in the role of Carl Bryant III
T.J. Youngblood as Robert Maywood
John A. Seeman as Donald Cudahay
John Ruvolo in the role of Jack Cannoli
Lance Hemmy as Elgin Tweedy