On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:10:59 -0400, klattu <uknow@> wrote:
>I have used Giganews for several years. I have noticed in the past
>when I try to download an .nzb over 600 nor 700 days old they show up
>as incomplete while downloading using Grabit ot Newsbin Pro. Others
>here say they show up complete on their server and incomplete on mine!
>I had a online chats with Giganews and they had me change some
>settings on my newsreaders but I continued to have the same problem.
>Today I tried Newshosting and just downloaded a few nzb's over a 1000
>days old without any problem. I even used the same nzb's I used with
>Giganews, they showed up downloading with over 50% incomplete.
>Just wondering if any of you have had the same problems with Giganews.
I left GigaNews a few years back for the same problem. Unfortunately
I don't think any one News Server is immune from this problem though
so you might move only to find the same problem occur.