630 Neon Nights (1981).txt
Neon Nights (1981)
Cecil Howard
Anne Wolff (screenplay) (as Anne Randall), Cecil Howard (conceived by)
Lysa Thatcher, Kandi Barbour, Eric Edwards
Opening scene:
A nearly naked woman lies face down in bed, moaning in pleasure as a man (Robert) holds her down and whispers that she shouldn't be so loud or she'll wake the baby. ("The baby", a young woman in the next room, is in fact awakened by the sounds of the moaning.) He caresses her vagina, and she tells him to do the other thing. Robert obligingly tears her panties off and then penetrates both her vagina and anus with his fingers and spanks her.
IMDb review:
Usenet control file:
[size: 1.05 GB, posted by Wink Nudge at a.b.multimedia.erotica 274 days ago]