(Pop) wrote in news:hR1Py.15$5i3.2@fx05.iad:
...some ID screencaps...
Near as I can tell, only Carol Connors and Marc Brock
have been identified (as Miss Throat's secretary and as
the sex-obsessed Gordon Brown).
The on-screen credits (Tanya Martine, Mindy Bernside, Helen Gaffney,
Mareen Bradley, Jerry De Docaras, Rick Monaco, Michael Mikowski,
Phillip Fitzpatrick) are all bogus as far as I can tell.
This looks like it was made by Ray Dennis Steckler's dog, but IAFD
portici.htm . All of Mr. Portici's films featured Marc Brock and
half of them also featured Carol Connors.
I've yet to find out anything about Portici other than the fact that
his films are often paired with those of Nick Philips/Millard (and
the credits are usually/always nonsense).