> it would probably not be the worst thing to have
> some sort of guidelines
or maybe it would
sleazemovies is working, attracting new posters and hanging onto the
posters it has, so why change anything?
the fatal trap of lists/guidelines* is that they're exclusionary
(anything that isn't on the list is not allowed) and so almost guarantee
the people in sleaze now are doing a good job of self-policing
(defending the awfulness of what they post or protesting that a post is
actually a pretty good movie)
those who have the most to contribute are, i think, just looking for a
quiet place to post stuff they believe belongs here (and maybe get an
occasional attaboy), and their guidelines are already internalized
personally, i like being constantly pushed out of my comfort zone by
other people's notions of what's sleazy
let the sleaze be unconfined - we have a dynamism here that's rare and
ephemeral in any usenet group - just look around you - so i say let it
be and enjoy it while you can
* plus you'll never find the sheet music if the secretary ever leaves
because she filed it under "Rotary Club" because the only time it's ever
needed is for karaoke night at the Rotary Club...