Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sleazemovies
Subject: The Klnsmn - 1974
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From the book of the same name The Klansman was a pretty big budget
production incorporating a reasonable cast, Richard Burton, Lee Marvin
and a pre-murdering OJ Simpson. Unfortunately the direction is lost
and if you read the book you note that they didn't focus on the
characters enough to make most of their actions understandable, ie:
Lee Marvin's character was in the Vietnam War and considered a hero
even though he is not sure it was warranted and based on that lie he
maintains his lifestyle but questions if he has surrendered his
influence to make things better. You get none of that in the film
instead it clumsily attempts to depict the black issue in Southern
Racist For Dummies with all the requisite stereotypes.
I only raise this due to the fact that many of these Blaxploitation
films were created on a shoe string budget and in comparison were far
better films than this one.