Sensational Janine (1978).txt
Sensational Janine (1978)
Josefine Mutzenbacher - Wie sie wirklich war: 1. Teil
Destined to become a famous madame, a young woman experiences her sexual awakenings.
Sensational Janine is a high quality, plot-driven porn film; and it stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of the genre. 'High Quality' is not a term usually associated with adult films; but it can certainly be applied here as this film is extremely well made and that's one of the things that help it stand out so much. The plot line is very interesting also and the central character is very easy to get along with, which ensures that the film draws you in thanks to the interesting story and not just the sex. As the title suggests, we focus on a young girl named Janine (actually, Josefine) as she goes from being a sweet virgin to a sex hungry Madame. We follow her as she gets her first sexual awakening (watching her parents having sex and later getting it on with her step brother). From there she begins to get more and more curious; and luckily for her, she just so happens to live in a den of iniquity so finding men to practice with isn't difficult, and she's a very willing student...
The sex scenes in this film really are excellent and the fact that they are featured numerously is a big help to the overall success of the film. Most of the runtime is taken up with sex, but unlike some of the lesser genre examples; each individual sequence here is long enough to get the point across, but doesn't outstay its welcome. They're also very erotic! The lead role is taken by Patricia Rhomberg; and she is just as sensational as the character she's playing. She is perhaps not a natural beauty, but the buxom maiden is very sexy and manages to get both the curiosity and innocence of her character across as well. Another thing that sets this film apart from much of the rest of the genre is the fact that most of the main characters are 'normal' people rather than all-out porn stars, and that does make the film feel a lot more realistic. The film does have a very arty feel to it, but this shouldn't be enough to put anyone off as director Hans Billian ensures that the film is very accessible.
Language: English, German or French
(3 separate audio tracks)
Length: 100m
720x576 - 1.41gb
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