Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sleazemovies
Subject: Please Identify this movie?
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Xref: alt.binaries.sleazemovies:2689
Downloaded it before and almost sure it was from this site:
Porn, European, Actress was well known. Brunette naturally busty and
kinda olive complexion.
Looks like it's set in Victorian Times
She's raised in a boarding house, she and (step) Brother in old
fashioned full bed clothes watch parents have sex, they run into a
room, she's still a virgin so it's hurts to have sex so they do a 69
instead. She watches her father have sex with one roomer, her mother
have sex with another, she sees the man who had sex with her mother
have sex with a few more ladies so she interrupts them on day and will
tell on them unless he takes her virginity. He does.
Apparently that gives her the motivation to get more
Sound Familiar?