On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 01:06:14 +0200 (CEST), Anne Onime
<anonymous@rip.ax.lt> wrote:
>Hi beanie
>Many thanks for posting this pictures of this two very handsome
>models, i liked them very much. Regarding Alexey Smirnof, he is
>not a model, he his a very talented photographer, like Krivon for
>example, he taked many pictures of very beautiful models, some
>were older teens like Vova and other younger teens like Kiril or
>Slava for example, i personaly always liked Smirnof and Krivon
>work very much, because they are very talented, and taked pictures
>of many very beautiful models, some younger others older, for
>diferent interests of diferent people, because there are people
>that likes to see younger models and others that like to see older
>models, personaly i like both. Anyway again thanks for your great
>pictures, Vova like i said is a very handsome model and it was great
>to see some more of his pictures.
>Take care and best regards
Okay, now I get what the Smirnoff reference was zbout.
Thanks & you are welcome...