On Sat, 6 Mar 2010 15:38:51 +0100, "fiboga" <fiboga@hushmail.com>
>Bulshit, nobody can find you.
Actually, that's not altogether true, unfortunately, as evidenced by
the fact Azov was able to e-mail him in spite of his false e-mal
address in his posts. Even the so-called annonymous servers are
legally obligated to keep some sort of records and all it takes is an
official-sounding request and those records become available to the
requester. Those records would include, among other things, an IP
address with which the user of that IP can be tracked down, rather
>I hope the posters stay posting.
>You're free to do on the news you want.
If only that were still true, like it used to be.
>Stay free and take care
Precisely wht he has opted to stop posting and secure his life, at
least for the time being until he again feels safe from "big brother".