test post ... ignore. |
EasyNews, UseNet made Ea .. |
TakkE (trim@D.com) |
2009/06/19 01:24 |
Path: news.nzbot.com!news.astraweb.com!border1.newsrouter.astraweb.com!feed.news.qwest.net!mpls-nntp-02.inet.qwest.net!feeder.erje.net!feeder.news-service.com!!news-in-01.newsfeed.easynews.com!easynews!core-easynews-01!easynews.com!en-nntp-07.dc1.easynews.com.POSTED!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.webeweb
Subject: test post ... ignore.
From: TakkE <trim@D.com>
User-Agent: Xnews/2005.10.18
Lines: 1
Message-ID: <F2H_l.178821$Xo1.66509@en-nntp-07.dc1.easynews.com>
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Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 07:24:21 GMT
Xref: news.nzbot.com alt.binaries.pictures.webeweb:684
My other posts have not shown up in over 24 hours, but ab.test works.. hmm.