ScoBoo <> wrote:
>ScoBoo <> wrote in
>> wtp <> wrote in
>>> ScoBoo <> wrote:
>>>> (ScoBoo) wrote in news:J9-
>>>>> =ybegin part=1 line=128 size=173419 name=bonus08.jpg
>>>>> =ypart begin=1 end=173419
>>>>> Attachment decoded: bonus08.jpg
>>>>> =yend size=173419 part=1 pcrc32=97b1db69
>>>>I believe these were requested.
>>>>Posting previews in case I'm wrong with set numbers.
>>>>or contents, posting as I got them!
>>>>If no complaints will post all I have starting next weekend.
>>>>when my bandwidth resets.
>>> dear Scoboo
>>> i want to share with you
>>> mail me ....the rest of my mail box is
>>> i want to give you all my collection.....
>>> wtp
>> Thank you for the invite, WTP
>> I will set up a mail account in the next few days. not sure when.
>> hurt my back at work last week and having hard time sitting at
>> need some bed rest.
>> will mail you when things get better. or if I can get my laptop back
>> from a friend would be better.
>> ScoBoo
>tried to send email, not sure if I got the addy right.
>says not active