On 29-Sep-2009, jorj <jorj@hea.ven> wrote:
> Dude you're being an idiot.
Thank you.
> A) I never said you could remove the watermark. I said it was possible to
> get around the watermarking. If you want to know how, jsut ask - I did it
> dozens of times.
> B) No, "most pictures" were not modified in some mysterious way. ALL
> pictures were watermarked. ALL. Unless you knew how to get around the
> process. Which I did. The ones that were not watermarked still have the
> jpeg text fields in them - all the rest, that were watermarked, will have
> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS....0123456789abcdef.... and so forth through this
> part of the file.
Yeah... and you call that watermarking a picture?
Yes I am an idiot, for trying to teach you something...
I won't tell you how I know pictures were not watermarked.. it is obvious!
Kindests regards from this idiot!