On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:41:24 -0500, Tex <bolivar@shagnasty.net> wrote:
>On 29 Apr 2014 14:07:47 GMT, "Konspiracy_Killer" <rabbit@rest.net>
>>warning (no@way.com) wrote in
>>> The same shit again and again and...
>>> Therefore this group has died.
>>No, the group isn't dead. It's been taken over by clueless little
>>assholes, who don't even know what the fuck Usenet is all about
>>and what's more don't even care.
>>At least half of the postings here are *OFF-TOPIC* and these fucking
>>morons don't even know what that means. Do they know what a group
>>charter is? Hell no, and they don't give a rat's ass.
>>Now we are seeing kiddy porn in this newsgroup. Unbelievable.
>>Who are these goddamned idiots? We are going to have to filter
>>until there is nothing left of this group.
>>This is what happens when you let the ignorant, unwashed masses
>>run wild on Usenet.
>>Enjoy it while you can, kids. Usenet is almost done for.
>You're speaking of spam bots as though they were individual posters.
Usenet dried up 10 years ago or more.