On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 19:50:16 -0500, "LuckyLu" <Lu_Shangh@i.trade> wrote:
FYI, I spent a lot of money at Vladmodels, but only at the old/original site, not at the 'new' one..
In those days up to 2009 when they run down the business, my 'e-wallet' at the agency was filled
up with up to 1000$ each month.. To purchase standard/regular sets was only a minor point, mostly
my money was intended for ordering custom-sets with my favs.. In addition, I was member in a kind
of swap meet, running in a closed forum. Many regular sets were purchased and shared there..
After the collapse of VM in 2009 I only spent some more money for 'private customs' made by my
favorite model at home or other places. No professional agency, studio, or something like that..
You might know these type of photos as so called 'after Vlads'.. ;-) Some other experienced former
customers choosed this way too to get photos of their favs furthermore..
My fav is meanwhile married and a little mom, so this kind of 'special photojob' was ceased a few
years ago.. My hobby is now mostly to 'follow' all the former Vladmodels, but especially my favs,
and to look how they develop.. Here and there some girls continue to model someway, but usually
it's simply private life.. In addition I now collect parts of the silver-girls-stuff, and I am
happy to find some unreleased Vladsets from time to time..
Regarding Olga and Irina from 'sales team', I am quite sure these girls are not the former models y021/y038 ;-)
I follow both of them for years, and they have no personal contact or the same circle of friends..
Irina has a job in travel business, and Olga (4 years older than Irina) is IMHO housewife.. ;-)
But you are right, at the agency they were good friends, and made some nice sets together, their
twomodels-set 189 was one of my first ordered customs.. Irina had a job at the agency in 2009 as secretary
for finances/payments, but only a short time, and not as 'front desk girl'. These job was only for girls with
very good english language skills. Irina's english is rudimentary.. :-)
Btw, most of their 'front-girls' were really named 'Olga'. The last one (from 2008-2009) was also Model (y145)
before she made that job ;-) I have attached a few pics of her, taken at the vm-office. Maybe you remember these
office-rooms and the unique waterfall-wallpaper from some official photosets ? ;-)
Btw, I've read your request for your missing y021 set(s) 003, but I can't help out with that, I miss the same..
I have attached some pics of Irina and Olga instead.. The one with both of them is very old (end of 2006), it
was taken at an official outdoor-shooting, the set was never released..
I noticed your post in a.b.p, can't await to see some 'news'.. ;-)
Good hunting..