On 2015-08-19 09:59:15 +0000, Jos said:
> I am using truecrypt several years now. It is easy to use and works with
> win 7 and win 8. You can even use it on an USB stick. So if you would lose
> the USb stick nobody can get your data.
> I hope it works also with windows 10.
> Regards Jos
I like the hidden Volume inside a Hidden outer Volume so even if force
to provide a key to unlock you could unlock the outer Volume and it
would look like the full Volume with just some private documents that
you placed there meanwhile the hidden files remain hidden and
unlockable with a separate key.
I had a Linux setup once where I had a key to unlock my boot disk that
I kept on a usbdrive, without it the boot disk was unreadable. Now
nothing stays on my bootdisk. All of my movies, songs. etc... are on
separate harddrives and locked down. Too bad they stopped development
on it. Oh and I would read up on Windows 10 security risks before
upgrading. There are some registery setting and things you can do to
stop Microsoft's data collection but you need to know you way around
the Windows system to do it.