On 2015-07-23 01:45:36 +0000, Weener said:
> Ma <Doff@Modo.de> wrote in news:201507222043245273-Doff@Modode:
>> most people in
>> this group will use compression when posting and you have to decompress
>> the file that they post so it's not like they'd have an exact copy once
>> extracted, I thought either they are ignorant or just bitching to be
>> bitching.
> Winrar and 7zip do indeed produce exact copies once extracted. Csv's and
> crc values with PiCheck are what Vlad collectors use to verify them. Just
> so you know.
> Weener
It is stupid to rar a file or compress a file that is already
compressed. e.g. a jpg file or an mpg file and yes it will leave bits
behind no matter what your CRC file says as these files are usually too
small to develop many errors.
You're wasting time, processing power, energy, etc... compressing and
decompressing files already compressed and usually you'll end up with
files larger than what you were trying to compress.