On 2015-06-24 00:38:35 +0000, luvIoli said:
I see your dumbass is back with another newsserver and website ready to
lose again.
I'm going to turn this one over to a leecher with over 20 years
experience in leeching and let him finally contribut to this group by
ridding our ass of your SPAM, and closing these accounts of yours.
Freeing us of your garbage for another few weeks. I'll give him a
little time to complete his task befor I take over and shut you down so
have your fun while it lasts.
BTW you're wasting your money on advertising in this group as no one
here is interested in any of you garbage sites and you are losing more
money having your newservers and websites shutdown than you are getting
new customers so it would be in your best interest to just go away!!!!