From: innocuous <innocuous@nowhere.invalid>
Subject: Re: MarvelCharm Collection aus a.b.bungalow - "MarvelCharm_37GB_.nzb" yEnc (1/5)
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2018 23:21:55 -0500
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Yeah, but most of those photos are of terrible quality. I collected MC
sets from chan boards on the web for a long time too, but I got fed up
with what those guys did to the images. The problem is that MC embeds
customer info in the files, so those who share (nowadays all motivated
by affiliate $$ from file hosts and advertising revenue from their
blogs and forums) practically destroy the content to avoid being
The final straw for me was the horrible quality of the Ariana Empress
set. Take a close look and you'll see the pictures look like dogshit.
They've been softened to death so that all the detail is gone, the
logo is missing (because that's where the person who first shared it
overlaid his site's web address), and also someone dialed up the
contrast -- her skin should not look so reddish. I'm a big fan of
Ariana, and I just couldn't keep that mess. I ended up buying the set,
and I can tell you the originals look much different and much better.
(And, by the way, the originals are 2560 x 3840 at 95 JPEG quality,
not 2534 x 3802 @ 100.)