Thank you so much for all those pictures, Erinnerungen.
Good choices, very interesting subjects, and most welcome informative comments.
Thanks a lot and all the best for 2015.
PS: as for the Wehrmacht war crimes bureau, I suspect it was part of the
obligations of a signatory of the GVA conventions in times of war.
Funy/phony as it may be that the nazis ran such a bureau, the travesty still
continues with Gaddaffi / Saddam / Turkey / Iraq / Syria / Hamas / PLO /
younameit / complaining about the "crimes" of others...
Won't stop either, not until the civilized countries develop a spine.
which isn't about to happen soon...
>The photos showing atrocities against German troops come from an
>organization called the Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau which, believe it
>or not, was an actual military/judicial tribunal set up in 1939 by the
>German High Command.
>That this organization even existed was one of the surprising facts we
>dug up.
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