On 2008-10-05 11:38:49 -0400, Yenc@power-post.org (Baldrick) said:
> These are two sets from VP in a previous incarnation. Quite a few tied
> in with BD sets alrady known. If you want the BD originals, for the
> others, I can post them for you.
First, thanks for the response and assist.
I checked several randomly selected files from my 030 and your
08.03 example pair of sets, and the TIFF creation dates are the
same (2003.11.29). Thanks, but probably shouldn't mix the two,
as there is enough of a confusion amongst many of these origins
already -- unless I've misunderstood what has happened here.
Oh, and perhaps you didn't realize, but... wrong group. <sigh>
B a k s t e r