On Sun, 21 Aug 2016 11:01:08 -0500, "Puff-Adder" <puff-adder> wrote:
>"BigBadBT" <BigBadBT@nomail.com> wrote in
>> Just so you know...I for one certainly appreciate all of the effort
>> you're putting forth to post your collection. Whatever method works
>> for you is just fine with me. I'm just grateful you're willing to
>> share...
>> --------------= Posted using GrabIt =----------------
>> ------= Binary Usenet downloading made easy =---------
>> -= Get GrabIt for free from http://www.shemes.com/ =-
>Thanks for the feedback.
>Sometimes the trolls get to me a bit, although I try not to feed them.
>Trouble is, you can't always recognise them right away.
Ignore the trolls. Many thanks for your efforts :-)