While it has been years since we've had the funds to revive Vade Mecum
Creampie (The Creampie Handbook) we do still note the occasional
CPie-related news item such as the following from 4/19/2018
Ejaculation Induced by the Activation of Crz Neurons Is Rewarding to
Drosophila Males
Or, as theregister.co.uk summarizes-
"Successful mating is naturally rewarding to male flies and increases
the levels of a small peptide in the brain called Neuropeptide F. Male
flies that are sexually deprived have increased motivation to consume
alcohol as an alternative reward," says Galit Shohat-Ophir, co-author
of the paper and a researcher at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.
After having their neurons repeatedly activated, the researchers found
elevated levels of Neuropeptide F floating in their brains.
The next step of the experiment involves giving the males a choice of
normal liquid food, or food spiked with alcohol. The ones with more
Neuropeptide F preferred non-alcoholic food, but the poor control
flies starved of sex made a beeline for the boozy concoction.
flies that do not reach copulation are not sufficient to reduce
ethanol consumption, suggesting that only successful mating encounters
are rewarding." the paper said.
Shohat-Ophir said the behaviour can be explained by evolution. "The
principles by which the brain processes reward are extremely conserved
in all animals; this is a really basic every day machinery that helps
animals survive."
"Our studies suggest that the state of the animal (i.e., undergoing
successful mating or being rejected) affects the motivation to consume
drug rewards."
Sounds about right...bartender, I'll have a double...