Title: Demi The Demoness - Hardcore #1
Source: Eros Comix
Publication Date: See file MB_DemiHardcore1_00a.gif
Story & art: Steven S. Crompton
Format: jpg & gif, 150dpi
File Count: 35 + nfo, CSV, SFV
File Titles: MB_DemiHardcore1_00.jpg, MB_DemiHardcore1_00a.gif to MB_DemiHardcore1_32.gif
Total File Size: 10.5 mB
Scanned by: MaxBigfoot
Original post date: Feb. 14, 2002
Posted with 4 .p## & .par file for fills.
Don't know what or how to use .par and .p## files?
Go to http://www.disc-chord.com/smartpar/ and get
SmartPAR and how to use it.
If you've never seen it before, please check out the ABPEC FAQ at: http://www.abpec.com/
Remember usenet is not instantaneous, and all files may not arrive at the same time.
Please wait 1 day to see if all files show up before asking for fills.