On Tue, 31 Mar 2015 05:46:23 -0500, spike <ou812@hotmail.com> wrote:
>She must work for the CIA because she's had so many different names
>Jarrod <ihrl9fk@59he5z5.com> wrote in news:a46e.fda2.1bb@hmfwy.com:
>> begin 644 435.jpg
>> Attachment decoded: 435.jpg
>> `
>> end
Indeed. Who knows what the spammers use to producr their 'bots. A
line from Col A, name from Col B, poster nym Col C (random generator
for domains). Too clever by far, but most end up disgorged through
the reader filters. Just makes for a waste of bandwidth or time...
Delete xx in address.
Mail to: harryh89@yahoo.comxx