On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 08:18:12 -0400, Ficus Panderota <ficus@quark.net>
>On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 20:59:24 -0500, do it one more <do it one
>more@Time> wrote:
>>Edit for filenames, etc., to suit your needs and rename ext to '.bat'
>>Will concatenate files and delete the chunks.
>>Don't know why this person does these this way-- normal folks use the par2 to rejoin.
Well, that's weird- I went back and retreived the headers of all the
videos. My newsreader (Agent) does decode them properly without any
encoding errors. Maybe I had a problem with one of them and assumed
they all had the problem? I don't remember.
Anyway, the batch file didn't join the "chunks".
I still have to manually edit filenames to be "nnnn.nnnn.001", etc.
Quickpar doesn't give the "rejoin" option on these files.
Are there a lot more that are going to be posted?
If there are II'll have to spend a little time figurig out why the
batch file didn't work.