On Fri, 21 Jun 19 18:34:49 UTC, pecker@bigone.com wrote:
>On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 19:21:16 +0100, KickInTheEye
><Press@Eject.andgivemethe.tape> wrote:
>>On Fri, 21 Jun 19 10:14:05 UTC, pecker @bigone.com (pecker
>>@bigone.com) wrote:
>>lots of corrupt images here... :-(
>yeah I know Pisses me off
What I find is that I need to throttle the upload speed (it depends on
the usenet server you use and your ISP). the version of Powerpost I
use (link below) allows you to do this. With my ISP I'm stuck at
40KB/s :-(
Reducing the number of connections helps too, I limit it to 4.