OnI'm grabbing the nzb too. (wink, wink)
> OK, it's not all there. And that can be from any number of
>reasons. Only 43 of ??? (Lesson to be learned: complicated header
> Can you do a repost, TL?
> And so you further understand, a lot of the pRon sites I pull
>from bring back older sets from time to time. I don't know their
>reasons, most probably for more hits from more selections on their
>sites. But they do it. I didn't rip you off or ever mean to "steal"
>sets from anyone, anywhere, at any time. What once was unavailable,
>can become available again, in other words.
> That construed from: "It should be...". One of the sets I
>posted, in all honesty, did look familiar to me. Was I rp'ing that?
>Absolutely not. You'd best make the distinction of repeating and
> When I came into this group, there were hundreds of thousands
>of headers. I couldn't get them all; wouldn't want them all. So I
>might well have this set buried in my pile of discs. Could be, but
>it's not doing me any good right now. :-)
> And just so you know where I'm at(mentally), I can't count the
>number of times I've dL'ed sets twice. I can't keep up with myself,
>much less anyone else.
> I wish people could get into their heads the notion of
>"sharing". I don't own any of this and neither does anyone else.
>Possessiveness is equal to greed.
I have 6 sets, 406 images of the model you mentioned. These were all
posted in the same period. Won't be posted ever again.