On 2018-11-28 17:06:08 +0000, John Smallberries said:
> ...
I hacked a few different versions together a few months ago.
The simpliest just spits out the missing issues without condensing
sequential missing issues (e.g. "101, 102, 103" instead of "101-103")
from #1 to the last issue found (so it doesn't list missing issues
after the last number found. The simple version uses Python 2.x with
the exeption of importing the 3.x print function. This version is the
most likely to compatible on different platforms and not need imported
packages IIRC. Basically used as a command line tool but could be
encapsulated in an Automator service, etc. It doesn't process minus/-1,
1b, 1,000,000 promotional issues, etc. It assumes issues are named
identically prior to issue number.
I had been working on versions to condense sequential missing issues,
copy results to the clipboard (on Macs) and allow an optional
parameters for last published issue, search for c2c/ctc status, print #
pages for non-c2c issues, etc.as well as play with Python 3.x and
various imported packages.
I even invesrtigated APIs to the comicbook info sites to automatically
pull published issues info, but didn't get very far as I recall.
If there's interest I'll dig it up and brush it off.