On 18 Jun 2016 21:59:41 -0700, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>In article <om6cmb1vdbjl4chd4adbnqdq3fs57l6288@4ax.com>, Sam Samcom says...
>>On 18 Jun 2016 13:42:37 -0700, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>>>In article <576595c2$0$46780$c3e8da3$e074e489@news.astraweb.com>, Robin Hood
>>>Magnificient hangers!...except for the...you know...liver spots and pimples
>>>Love to see her bent over.
>>Maybe she and Loni can drive off a cliff topless..no bounce left in
>>those things
>Since Loni is the older/mature one (70), she'll command the drivers seat while
>Susan (only 69) will just sit and pick her nose as they're going over.
You make me laugh
>go Warriors!