The First Thunderstorm
Setuweh was tall and attractive. He had big muscles. His long black hair fell on his shoulders, and he had just a hint of elegant tracery at the base of his serpent. His soft serpent was long and fat and his gems were large and firm. His crescent moons were big and strong. His naked, brown body was excellent!
Lehuoh was younger. His skin was very soft and smooth. He had bright eyes, beautiful round lips, and straight white teeth. His small serpent and gems clung tightly to his body, and he had small, firm crescent moons. He was absolutely beautiful!
The Animals and Other Living Things
One day as they were mingling, Lehuoh partook of the stone, and Setuweh's quicksilver flowed deeply into him. Smiling, Lehuoh gazed up into his beloved's eyes and laughed out loud. Out from his mouth flowed butterflies and birds, grass, trees, and whole forests.
All of the living things that came to be were male and female, small and large, and of every possible shape and color, but no humans had yet been born.