On 18 Dec 2010 19:55:22 GMT, TomBa <nobody@nowhere.com> wrote:
>Yenc@power-post.org (Yenc-PP-A&A) wrote in news:4d0c98d4$0$22223
>> =ybegin part=1 line=128 size=166415 name=tdgr3256altered.jpg
>> =ypart begin=1 end=166415
>> Attachment decoded: tdgr3256altered.jpg
>> =yend size=166415 part=1 pcrc32=70458517
>Do you (or anyone else) have more info about Mrs T?
Sorry, no, I don't.
>I love the pictures in this set...Great for subject and technique!
Most certainly!
>I'm guessing Mrs T wasn't female, lived/worked in Britain, and is
>(recently?) deceased.
As far as I know, deceased about 5 years ago. Photos mainly taken
around Trafalgar Square London
>How many of Mrs T's images are available? Are they on CD(s), or a website?
>(I've saved the 2000+ that were posted here...
Ther are some more (see the gaps, i.e.), but this is all I have.
It seemed appropriate to repost in these snowy days
preceding Christmas, as an In Memoriam to Mrs Todger.
Season's Greetings to all here, and all the best for the New Year!