On 2010-04-21 18:15:50 -0500, <artful@dodger.invalid> said:
>> On 2010-04-19 22:04:44 -0500, insane_for_boys! <nevermind@notsaying.net> said:
>>> You've done 2 things wrong:
>>> 1. You posted pics of girls in a BOY group.
>>> 2. You posted other full group names in this group.
>> Oh wait, 3 things.
>> 3. You cross posted. Now I'm cross posting!
> Actually 4 things. I posted nudity into retromod.
> Easynews doesn't carry prettyboy. Giganews doesn't carry retromod.
> Neither one carries a.s.b-l.
> Fuck them!
Astraweb carries ALL of them! :D