> Re. the current crop of items, you are sending rar's AND jpegs
> (thankfully). I don't question your method of posting thats at your
> discression, as it should be, however,if you can post jpegs why don't you
> all of the time?
> Aussie bob
I would be thrilled to see just one jpg per numbered "upload" rar since I
have limited drive space and pay-per d/l limits...must be nice to have all
the time in the world with monster hardrives with unlimited downloads ; )
Not complaining, just dreaming out loud I guess, thanks for anything,
including scraps :))) Anything I have to post would most certainly be
off-topic otherwise I would be happy to...
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for yooooooouuu...I'm sure it's just a
touch of gonorrhea :)