On 24 Dec 2018 07:40:09 -0800, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>In article <koi12epmsmmac4plcqs0dngq73jnuee004@4ax.com>, Stormin' Norman says...
>>On 23 Dec 2018 17:18:30 -0800, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>>>...for sure...but when he and his wife chat about it privately, I'm confident
>>>they're relieved he's no longer associated with the Trump administration
>>Here is a little trivia, Mattis has never been married, he's a
>>bachelor. Talk about a man who knows how to pick his battles.......
>It was an off-hand comment you dumbshit!...this thread obviously means more to
>you than to me...
A little early to be hitting the Johnnie Walker, no? ;-)
Feliz Navidad Miloch!
"The administration is like a shitshow in a dumpster fire"
-George Conway, JD - Husband of Kellyanne Conway
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