On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:04:11 -0600, Mitchell Holman
<noemail@verizont.net> wrote:
>Stormin' Norman <norman@schwarzkopf.in.memorium> wrote in
>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 07:26:15 -0600, Mitchell Holman
>> <noemail@verizont.net> wrote:
>> If you make it back alive, just how pissed-off would you be at the
>> moron in the upstairs apartment??
> The plane in fact went down, crew captured,
>all mad at pilot for getting out of formation.
That puts a different twist on things, thanks for clarifying. Do you
have a link to that story? I would enjoy reading it.
The problem is Donald Trump. The solution is impeachment or, the otherwise legal
removal, from office, of the greatest threat to peace the world has ever known.