P-51?? Ooops! Well, if The Mormon can say what he
wants in a sig, my First Amendment rights say that
I can change what I said in the subject line. bammy
and killery did the same shit and "aren't LIARS."
Been following the "New Paint" political thread.
Laughable. Pure hilarity. Thanks for the humor bois!
The funniest may be Loe Testosterone. The next
would have to be Mr.First.Amendment.Bigod, The
Wormin' Mormon. He would stand up in a A&P class
or in Ground School and start ranting about his
constipational right for men to menstruate and get
his feminine hygiene products put in the men's room.
(There *is* a time and place for all the shit you
want to bitch about. ABPA ain't a political venue)
You make yourself sound like an idiot.
But back to Joe... er, Loe Testosterone. First he
says everyone who disagrees with him is a "quilter?"
Then he says we should all just be "quit?" Uhhhh...
OK Loe. Gotcha. Gnome Sane? We are all "Traders."
So The Donald is a Traitor? hmmm...
Best economy in decades? A Traitor?
The BEST non-war employment record of any prezzy. A Traitor?
Full employment of the usual welfare layabouts? A Traitor?
US exiled companies and their billions of dollars came back
home when Donald became prezzy? A Traitor?
When bammy was proud of adding 20 Million to the Fooostam roles,
Trump reduced by the same amount. A Traitor?
Ending the 60 year war in Korea. A Traitor?
Trump didn't allow and permit an U.S. Embassy takeover and
murder of U.S. citizens and lie about it for over a year.
A Traitor?
Ending thousands of dumbass gubbamin regulations. A Traitor?
NATO welfare whores now have to pay up? A Traitor?
The EU is shown to be libTURDs in action? A Traitor?
Trump killed bammy's warfare ROE, now bad guys instead of our
soldiers get killed(sacrificed) in combat. A Traitor?
The nigga's "legacy" was killed by Trump's pen. A Traitor?
OBTW! The nigga his own seff sed (lookit up) dat he dent mynd
bean cawed a nigga. So I do my part to honor bathhouse bammy!
You communist "useful idiots" need to re-assess. For you
good-humor bois, that means Get A Clue! You ONLY have to
endure a real president for SIX MORE YEARS! Then you can
*really* start whining when More.Conservative.Than.Trump
Mike Pence takes over! Seriously doubt that yo' daddies
would be too proud of you leftists. WE WON! Deal with it!
(bammy said that first. We dealt with it. Why can't you?)
Otherwise, have a wonderful P-51 day!