You stupid iddiot, you belivee the Fox News bullshit. the Nazi
president would have us take orders from his boyfried Putin, I am not
a Commie you stupid BITCH. If the Naz President told you the world is
flat you would believe hm. Are you a racist like your Nazi Presdent or
are you a STUPID FOOL who belives everything he says?
On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 04:12:29 GMT, wrote:
>joet5 You are making no logical sense, and seem to have swallowed the entire
>fake news of CNN. You are so dumb you don't know Obama started to take
>children away form their criminal parents, not Trump. Further there are
>court cases that require children to be separated from their accused parents
>and not allow them into jail. Not only that, more than likely the kids don't
>belong to the adults that are using them to gain wrongful entry into our
>country. You are just a radical, anti American, pro ANTIFA, Fascist. You
>what to overthrow our America to become a Soviet state. You have no respect
>except for commie thugs. Shame on you.