Savageduck <savageduck1@{REMOVESPAM}> wrote in
> On 30 August 1945, he was flying one if the eight P-38Ls which made up
> the McArthur Honor Guard flight. They removed four of the radios so
> that they could carry a crew chief and three war correspondents into
> Atsugi IJN Air Base, near Tokyo. They were followed by two A-26s from
> the Third Attack Squadron carrying additional maintenence crew and
> equipment.This was before the September 2, signing of the surrender on
> the USS Missouri, and made them the first tactical USAAF outfit on the
> ground for the occupation.
> He stayed at Atsugi for about six weeks returning to the US at Luke
> AFB where they moved into P-51's, then to Chenault AFB. He left the
> AAF in 1947 as a Captain.
Flying as a passenger in a P-38 is never comfortable.