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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 08:10:42 -0500
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Subject: Re: The Guy Who Found the Titanic Is Looking for Amelia Earhart's Plane
From: Mitchell Holman <noemail@verizont.net>
References: <qisbvj01ds7@drn.newsguy.com> <XnsAAA9D66B9FC28noemailattnet@> <qit86002lk4@drn.newsguy.com>
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Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com> wrote in
> In article <XnsAAA9D66B9FC28noemailattnet@>, Mitchell
> Holman says...
>>Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com> wrote in
>>> https://pictorial.jezebel.com/the-guy-who-found-the-titanic-is-lookin
>>> g- for-amelia-ear-1837170549
>>> Robert Ballard, the man who found the Titanic, is now searching for
>>> The New York Times reported that Ballard has always wanted to find
>>> search any more than a futile dive into a haystack hunting for a
>>> needle. But then, in 2012, somebody showed Ballard a picture taken
>>> in 1937 off Nikumaroro Island, one of the longstanding contenders
>>> for a likely Earhart crash site, that seems to show a piece of
>>> Lockheed Model 10-E Electra landing gear sticking up out of the
>>> water.
>>> That was enough of a clue that Ballard is turning his attention to
>>> bringing a lot of very fancy gear. But this is no Sunday morning
>>> stroll, even for Ballard:
>>> Viewed from above, Nikumaroro is small and flat. But the island is
>>> only the plateau of a steep underwater mountain rising 10,000 feet
>>> from the ocean floor. Earhart landed on the very edge of the island,
>>> Dr. Ballard believes. As tides rose, her plane may have slipped down
>>> the underwater slope.
>>> that can hinder sonar. After using onboard technology to create a
>>> 3-D map of its sides, the team will have to search the mountain
>>> the fact that the mystery of Amelia Earhart is essentially solved,
>>> but it would be very impressive, and it would also rescue the world
>>> from the endless cycle of speculative reports about whether somebody
>>> the Titanic in like two weeks after completing the real mission,
>>> which was to find a couple of sunken nuclear submarines from the
>>> 1960s. The Navy needed a cover story, so they agreed to fund
>> Ballard found the USS Scorpion, but what other
>>sub did he find?
> "Thresher"...
> https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a25603601/titanic-
> discovery-nuclear-submarines-navy/
> *
I would not have suspected that, Thresher
search was in 1963 and Scorpion was in 1985.