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From: Ken Murphy <murykken@cogecoDOT.ca>
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Unfortunately, the photo attached is of the older Marine 1, a VH-3D
Sea King.
On 21 Jul 2019 21:21:26 -0700, Miloch <Miloch_member@newsguy.com>
>the White House lawn. So the Navy and Lockheed Martin Corp. are working to fix a
>president on board.
>The first in a $5 billion fleet of new Marine One helicopters is supposed to be
>ready to go into service by September 2020. President Donald Trump already has
>showcased the new aircraft with a flyover during his Fourth of July appearance
>in Washington.
>The previously undisclosed episode occurred last September, during a test
>He said the cause of the incident involving the helicopter, which is designated
>will eventually meet all its key performance requirements. But the Government
>performance requirements related to landing zone suitability, which includes a
>requirement to land on the White House South Lawn without causing damage to the
>after the helicopter is supposed to be declared ready for initial operations.
>No lawn damage resulted from 13 other White House test flights the same day in
>September and more this year, according to the Navy, including a June 14 landing
>when Trump inspected the helicopter.
>The Navy plans to buy as many as 23 of the new aircraft at a cost of about $214
>million each, including research and development, training devices and
>government-furnished equipment. The fleet is used to transport the president and
>vice president in Washington and when they travel, in tandem with Air Force One
>planes. Presidents have traveled by helicopter since Dwight D. Eisenhower was in